The Happy Dog Journal™️
The FREE weekly newsletter for you and your dog from Freya V. Locke.
Hi Gang
It’s been a rather grey and wet week here, but we have been having fun nonetheless.
When the weather is a bit rubbish, we tend to take Twyla to indoor places rather than cold walks outside because of her struggles with her limber tail.
Mentally enriching places and experiences are just as valuable as physical exercise, and dogs who get very excited by a lot of things, like Twyla, are very good for socialisation.
We have often taken her to a local service station just to sit and watch the world go by when on the way to various places. Sitting and watching all the people, the hustle and bustle, leaves her exhausted and she will usually sleep for the rest of the journey afterwards!
This week, she went to Peter’s work at Halford’s, followed by a visit to Starbucks, where she was admired by all the staff and most of the customers in her pink scrumper jumper. She was very good and was even given a free Puppacino by the lady serving us.
Only one person was not so pleased to see a dog in an eaterie, and they shook their head rudely at us and moved to another table in a huff, despite already being a couple of tables away! Twyla was very good and did not bother anyone, just hovering by our legs at our table. If there were a problem with dogs being in there, then they would not give away Puppacinos, so we took no notice. We knew she would not be going anywhere near the person, so we just continued enjoying our coffee.
But, it did lead me to wonder … Why go into a place that allows dogs if you do not like dogs? There are plenty of places where dogs are not allowed, so why not go there? After all, I don’t like clowns, so you won’t catch me at a circus.
What do you think?
Do you have an issue with dogs in cafes? Or do you think well-behaved dogs, who are not bothering anyone else, are no problem? Or should there be dog-free areas in cafes for those with allergies or phobias? Would that be a solution, perhaps?
Let me know your thoughts!
League of Pigs
This week, I wanted to share a discovery we made with you. It's not dogs, but it's still animals, and it's very lovely, and I am sure you will love this. Twyla loves watching with us, too.
A far cry from the usual cruel racing sports of horses and greyhounds is “League of Pigs.”
Five very well-loved and well-looked-after pigs run along short tracks to their treats in their treat troughs with hilarious results. We can’t stop watching and are in love with them all. As a vegan, I mostly hate animal racing, but this is so wholesome and heartwarming that I adore it. The pigs are clearly having a wonderful life and it really cheers my soul to see their antics.
Dear Fans.
I went to Starbucks, and they instantly recognised me as an incredibly good girl. To celebrate, I was awarded a special good girl’s Puppacino.
That is all,
Hugs ‘n’ snugs
Twyla xx
Spotted and sharing.
This is an interesting article by Jay Gurden about chatting with your dog as you go about your day together. I must admit, I talk to Twyla constantly. Do you talk to your dog?
My other posts - because I write about other stuff too!
Handy links.
That’s it from me.
Warm ‘n’ Fuzzies,
Freya xx
Our furkid fell in love with with al fresco dining the very first time we took her to a pet-friendly cafe. Great food AND lots of besotted humans to chat up and fuss over her - what could beat that, right?
After that, we started "collecting" dining destinations for her. One of her favourites was a neighbourhood sushi bar that had a cosy terrace and owners who loved dogs.
She enjoyed it so much that we sometimes took her there for her sushi fix several times a week. There were days she would actually tug us there at lunchtime, almost racing as we got nearer.
"Hurry, Mommie! They're gonna run out of my ikayaki and mekajiki if we don't get there soon!"
We really wish there were more pet-friendly eateries, but we do understand why many places are reluctant to allow it.
Our furkid was a gentle little soul who was super friendly and super greedy, so she just wanted to eat and chat and watch everything going on around her.
She also knew she had to mind her manners, so she never caused any problems - well, except that a lot of people stopped just to play with her and never ordered anything 😝!
Bless your heart Twyla. I hope you enjoyed your treat. You look fabulous in your outfit. My cocker spaniel Benji loves going into dog friendly places but...he can get a bit excited, so we have a good attachment system on his lead that secures him safely to a table leg. Then he sits nicely waiting for his very favourite red fish cookie treats which I break up for him. People stop and fuss him which he LOVES.
I have no problem with dogs being in coffee bars etc. But I AM biased 😉